Get Back to the Country

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Watch Out For That TREE!

I was trying to chase one of the 500 pound calves out of a lot we have fenced off, and he had somehow gotten into.  Now, it's been years since I did much "hearding".  So it was kind of an adrenaline rush.  I mean, here I was, the "smart one", heading that dumb beast to the gate I wanted him to go through.  Suddenly, he darted and started to go around the pickup I was driving to herd him.  "AHA!", I thought.  "Just jump in reverse and cut him off!"
Would have workd well if it hadn't of been JUST slippery enough out there for me to slide into the tree he darted around.
Anyone good at putting in new tail-lights?

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Broken Water

I knew I should have let the sun thoaw it out today. But there was
1/4" of ice on the waterer, and I decided to break it free. When I
did, I somehow broke the chain that holds the float ball to the
shutoff valve. So now I had an overflowing waterer.

The temperature was 24 degrees out, and that water was COLD! I found
a rock I could wedge under the float valve to stop the flow. Then I
had to bail out the water to get to where the chain connected to the
shutoff arm. I eventually managed to get things all piced together
and adjusted again. I was chilled to the bone after an hour and a
half out in the cold air, and elbow deep in cold water.

But it felt good to have figured it out and gotten it done!