Get Back to the Country

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Early Hints of Spring

It was cold out this morning.

The thermometer read 12 degrees. My hands were almost instantly
chilled as I tried to work the clasp on the chain and then open the
metal gate into the pasture. There was a 2 inch thick layer of
"slush" on the top of the waterer, and by the time I'd scooped it out
with my bare hands, they were longing for the warmth of the heater
vents blowing on high.

But there was a beauty to this morning as well.

The pale reddish pink of the rising sun seemed to have just a hint of
warmth too it, something that has been missing for awhile now. As I
stood a few moments in the reflection, feeling the calm, cold air, I
looked up to see 3 V's of geese coming my way. I watched them
approach and fly over, heading northward with much loud honking, some
kind of communications between them.

And I thought of spring.